Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Knit + Neutrality = Knitrality

My mom taught me how to knit. Martha Stewart taught me how to purl. The internet and some books have showed me most of the rest.

Three-plus years ago, I forced my mother to show me once again how to knit. I practiced and practiced making funky scarves that became wider and narrower as stiches were picked up and dropped willy-nilly. Frog. Retry. Frog. Retry. Frog. And man-oh-schevitz, were my (cheap-ass) yarn choices horrific. Just put that ugly stuff in a storage bin and hope it gets tossed in the next big clean-out.

So I put down the knitting for a bit. But I had been bitten. I started back up again about a year later choosing more ambitious projects and better yarn. And I was hooked (ah - pun optional - I don't crochet).

Hats. I really love(d) to knit hats. I have tried to love knitting socks but for now we are like ships passing in the night - although I am not unconvinced that I can still have a steamy affair with socks at some point down the road.

And once I found out I was fortunate enought to be having a baby, all bets were off. Tiny sweaters (which have never fit the boy in the right season). Tiny hats (which have managed to stay on the boys head). Some grown-up stuff has been attempted in the midst of all the tinyness but I seem to be forever derailed by cute.

The title of this blog - Knitrality - is not meant to be super deep or meaningful. I think it came to me because I feel very even and centered when I am knitting. A good neutral.

On Ravelry, I am Knitrality as well and I will hopefully be figuring out how to link up the fun stuff on there to here so here is more fun.

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